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Updated on 2024-09-28 22:23:18 (4 hours ago)
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À propos de

Gridinsoft Anti-Malware ne bloque pas Ce domaine a été enregistré 11 years ago par la société unknown et le propriétaire est inconnu. Aucun contact pour les réclamations trouvé.


Andka is xirf, welcome to my home

Andika Nur Pratama, a student in Informatics Engineering, technology is my passion and dreaming about a better world with it and making it happen is a dream come true. I am generally into web dev things but over the past few month I have begun learning about android dev using kotlin if you are interested, you can visit my projects here. Ouside coding, I often spend my time playing some non-serious games, watching animes and reading manga if you have any recommendations please don't hesitate to suggest them. I live in Magetan, East Java so in case you're around don't hesitate to contact me, perhaps we'll grab some coffee or do some collaboration.
Mots-clés Games
Domain ID PANDI-DO254836
Domain Name
Created On 2013-09-09 16:18:48
Last Updated On 2019-09-10 00:05:21
Hosting AS13335 Cloudflare, Inc. (San Francisco, US)
Score de confiance* 96%
* Le score de confiance est basé sur la notation de ScamAdviser
et n'influence pas notre notation. Il s'agit d'une deuxième opinion.

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